Маккарти Эрин

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Выигранная правда 10/3.80 
Мужской взгляд 41/3.73 
Твои сладкие губы 70/4.45 

Неизданные на русском
A Date with the Other Side (Свидание с потусторонним)
An Enchanted Season (Время чудес)
Bit the Jackpot (Vegas Vampires, Book 2) (Сорвать куш)
Bled Dry (Vegas Vampires, Book 3) (Обобранный до нитки)
Blue Crush / Perfect for the Beach (Непристойная страсть)
Demon Envy (Зависть)
Fallen (Павший)
Fuzzy Logic / Bad Boys Over Easy (Нечеткая логика)
Heiress for Hire (Berkley Sensation) (Наследница для найма)
High Stakes (Vegas Vampires, Book 1) (Играть по крупному)
It’s About Time / Bad Boys of Summer (Самое время!)
Lady of the Lake / When Good Things Happen to Bad Boys (Леди Озера)
Miss Extreme Congeniality / Bad Boys in Black Tie (Мисс Конгениальность)
My Immortal (Мой Бессмертный)
Snowed Under / The Night Before Christmas (Заснеженный)
Sucker Bet (Vegas Vampires, Book 4) (Пари)
The Pregnancy Test (Тест на беременность)
You Don`t Know Jack (Вы не знакомы с Джеком)
You, Actually / Merry Christmas, Baby (На самом деле)

Обложек книг: 33

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Тест на беременность

 / The Pregnancy Test
Тест на беременность. Маккарти Эрин
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Ordinarily, I`m a fan of pink--lovely color, does smashing things for the complexion. But not when it`s the bright, glaring stripe staring back at me on the pregnancy test. Then, pink is the color of major oops, of morning sickness, of boyfriends who seemed decent but now are part of some Jerk Witness Protection Program. Still, I`ve got a few things going for me--bitter humor, a divine right to eat till I`m the size of Marlon Brando, and good friends who`ve managed to get me a job interview with one Damien Sharpton: in need of a personal assistant, and some say, a good, swift kick in the arse. If you want to make a lasting impression, by all means, toss your cookies in your future boss`s wastebasket, which is located directly between his excruciatingly sexy legs. Apparently, Mr. Gorgeous-But-Unbearably-Anti-Social must like personal assistants who violate his trash can, because I got the job. And if I can avoid him via text messaging for the next seven months of health insurance, everything will be just fine. Except that he`s just asked--no, insisted--that I go with him on a business trip to the Caribbean. Gulp, Ordinarily, this would be cause for celebration. Ordinarily, I`d shave my legs, pack my bikini, revel in day-glo drinks and my seething lust for Mr. Swarthy-And-Secretive. But there`s nothing ordinary about this situation...which means it could be absolutely extraordinary.
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